• 8.5 mi ride - Who doesn’t hate road 🚧 😤 - Tuesday, October 15, 2024
    Logged this ride 1 day ago - View on Strava
  • 8.5 mi ride - Just Cruising - Sunday, October 13, 2024
    Logged this ride 3 days ago - View on Strava
  • 11.6 mi ride - Leg day w/Shadow Boxcer - Saturday, October 12, 2024
    Logged this ride 4 days ago - View on Strava
  • 18.2 mi ride - Shadow Boxcer rides again - Saturday, October 5, 2024
    Logged this ride 11 days ago - View on Strava
  • 7.3 mi ride - Lunch Ride - Friday, October 4, 2024
    Logged this ride 12 days ago - View on Strava
  • 7.0 mi ride - GCC No 16 - Sunday, September 29, 2024
    Logged this ride 17 days ago - View on Strava
  • 27.3 mi ride - GCC No 15 - Saturday, September 28, 2024
    Logged this ride 18 days ago - View on Strava
  • 17.2 mi ride - GCC No 13 - Coastal Wind Challenge - Wednesday, September 25, 2024
    Logged this ride 21 days ago - View on Strava
  • It’s not over until it’s over
    23 Sep 2024

    This year I decided to ride in honor of my dog, Shadow Boxcer. She is the smartest and most loyal dog a dog mom could ask for.

    About 4 years ago the vet told me that she only had about 3 years to live because she had cancer. Then, about 4 months ago another vet told me she had lymphoma. Neither vet based their diagnosis on an actual test, it was purely speculation based on her breed and symptoms at the time. Assuming that the vets knew more than I did, four months ago I agreed to start Shadow Boxcer on a steroid treatment. After watching her deteriorate and lose 10 lbs I finally decided it was time. I scheduled the appointment only to cancel it a few days later because I wasn’t sure I was doing the right thing. Two weeks later, after watching her hair fall out and witnessing her grow increasingly lethargic I scheduled the appointment again for a week away. I needed time to process this decision. I mean, how does one know it’s the right decision to end their pet’s life? During that week that’s all I thought of during my rides. Bike riding has always been the time I use to think and find solutions. Well this time was no different.

    I called a vet I trusted and talked to her. How did the previous vets diagnose Shadow Boxcer with cancer without running any tests? That’s when I did some research and realized she was suffering from the side effects of the steroids, not necessarily cancer. Wtaf?! These vets gave my pid a life sentence by putting her on steroids. I had to get her off this mess asap! I immediately started cutting her dosage back. The next day, Shadow had more energy and was talking again. Greatful and mad at the same time I scheduled an appointment with a different vet.

    The day I was supposed to euthanize her I took her to the vet. We discussed a plan to wean her all the steroids and treat her for the side effects. While Shadow hasn’t made a full recovery yet, it’s important to note that having cancer doesn’t need to be a life sentence. We must have faith and keep hope alive! We must stay strong and do whatever is necessary to take care of ourselves and others. And, finally, don’t give in to the fear of the diagnosis. Get a second opinion. Then, fight like hell to stay alive and healthy. Lesson learned!

    In love and honor of Shadow Boxcer who is still making me stronger by riding with me as much as possible.


    Posted 24 days ago
  • 30.3 mi ride - GCC No 13 - Riding in the rain - Sunday, September 22, 2024
    Logged this ride 24 days ago - View on Strava