Rode final 13.4 miles (plus) of pledged amount today, a summery Sept. 28 without wind and under sunny, bugless skies north of Hackensack on the Paul Bunyan. That's a rap for 2024!
Thank you God.
Rode Nisswa-Wise Road and back, 24 miles today under perfect conditions. I now have pedaled 186.6 of my 200-mile goal for September 2024.
Thank you to all for your support and let's send good kharma to those who are working to Kick Kids Cancer AND that includes the children!
Nancy, Jeff and Steve rode roundtrip Nisswa-Pequot Lakes, 13 miles. Chili Cookoff Day in Nisswa, where the streets and parking lots were filled with families and their pets. We met fellow e-bikers from the Cities for an exchange of contact info and photo shoots.
Up to 162.6 miles for the month. Just 37.4 more to hit my goal.
Midway through the Challenge Month we e-biked from Pequot Lakes to Merrifield and back for a 27-mile Sunday Saunter. Once again we enjoyed the sunshine and friendly warmth of fellow bikers, including Brad and Ruth Kuhlman from the Lake Hubert area on their Aventons. Our good fortune to share details of respective discoveries aboard our shared brand. Just one of the benefits of cycling. They received a flyer about GCC and sounded quite enthusiastic about the cause. See you both again on the Paul Bunyan?! I now have ridden 139.6 miles this month toward my goal of 200.
As of Sept. 13.
We rode the Cuyuna Rec Area trail this morning, Friday the 13th, discovering the extension of hard-surfaced path up Miner's Mountain. The scenic overlook is outstanding. It's a one-lane drivable path for the adventurous, and for cyclists it is a challenge for low gears going up and brakes going down. But it is just FUN for e-bikers. The panorama offers water towers in Ironton and Crosby, mounds across miles of trees and lakes. From 200 feet above the mine pit lakes, one can be awed for hours to view the distant vista.
Rode the park this morning under fog and dampness with hints of tree color change and forecast of forest fire smoke from the West. Avoided frantic squirrels dashing across the trail and managed to dodge acorns and pine cones as well. Nothing to hinder our commitment to the cause: Fight kids' cancer.
Met some more nice folks, especially retired couples like us who know how important it is to contribute.
99.6 miles ridden this month.