• 2024 Final Day Kids Cancer Challenge
    30 Sep 2024

    Well everyone this was the final Day of the 2024 kids cancer bike challenge

    It didn't quite end how I would have wanted but God has the final say with this morning's bad weather an this afternoon half of my routine route having sewer repairs we were able to end with a 5.7 mile ride combined

    Bringing us to a 30 day total ride mileage of 340 miles on a goal of 200

    An we were able to raise with everyone's help

    $711 on a goal of $500

    In total thanks to each an every person who has donated to help me help these kids

    We have raided over $5,000 nearly $5,100

    In just 4 short years

    An ridden just in the month of September

    Nearly 2,000 miles

    Again I cannot thank each of you enough for all your love an support

    An a special shoutout to my wife for all the love an support she gives me each year during this month long challenge

    I truly have the best wife God could have ever given me

    From bike accident an Dr's to bike rebuilds an bike repairs from injured stumic muscles

    To severe migraines to bad weather

    In every step of the way this bike challenge season God had his hand on this an I could not have done it without him all credit an glory goes to him

    As we look forward to the 2025 kids cancer bike challenge An new goals new bike routes in planning an possibly new merch available to take up proceeds for kids cancer

    We look to God with excitement

    Stay tuned in 2025

    Be well an be blessed

    Sincerely Shawn

    Kids cancer Rider

    Posted 17 days ago
  • Final Day
    29 Sep 2024

    Well guys we've come to the end of another Kids Cancer Bike Challenge Tommorow is the final Day I can't thank each an everyone of you

    Enough who has donated to the cause to help these children thank you to those who bought wrist bands from me an to everyone who cheered me on throughout this entire month

    A special shout out to my wife an our small circle of family an friends thank you for always being the loudest voices in my corner each an every year my wife puts up with my early morning rides works her schedule around my rides and is always there to cheer me on an to ask how my ride was for that day

    I love each an everyone of you an I know these kids love an appreciate each of you

    1 more ride to go bright an early tommorow morning

    We are already in the mapping an planning stages for the next kids cancer bike challenge

    An looking forward to 9-1-2025

    An our 5th year supporting the cause an riding for kids cancer research

    Until tommorow stay tuned an be blessed



    Kids cancer Rider

    Posted 18 days ago
  • Taking a few days off
    24 Sep 2024

    Hey everyone taking a few days off due to bad weather an pulling some muscles in my stomach

    Hoping to get back riding a few days before the challenge ends I'd like to finish with 330

    2 miles above last year

    Thanks an stay tuned


    Posted 23 days ago
  • 25 miles an a wellness check by chesterfield County police
    18 Sep 2024

    You may or may not like Chesterfield County police or sherriffs but I am extremely greatful for these guys an the job they do daily this morning while on my morning 25 mile bike ride I was pulled over by a nice officer just to make sure I was doing OK as he had never seen anyone out riding at that early in the morning 3am to be exact with my ptsd it was hard to keep my nerves under composure an I calmly explained that I was riding for kids cancer an the edge of chesterfield County was part of my bike route oddly enough where he stopped me just happened to be across the street from the last house my aunt Eileen lived in before she passed from cancer into eternity with God

    I was able to speak to the officer about kids cancer an show him the kids cancer jersey I was wearing under my reflective vest he was amazed at the coincidence of the house being right there an my compassion for the children an he even told me that if I ever needed anything from them or if I ever see anything while I was out riding to please feel free to reach out

    Thanks chesterfield County police

    Greatly appreciated an I appreciate you officers

    For all you do each an everyday!!!

    Posted 29 days ago
  • Progress update 9-3
    4 Sep 2024

    So the challenge has officially began thanks so much to everyone who has sponsored me so far this year

    Currently we are sitting at $475

    With all the wristbands it brings our current total to $556 yay 🎉

    Mileage ridden we ate at 71 miles in the first 3 days

    I'm really enjoying these early morning cool breeze rides

    So much fun this time of year

    Will keep you posted as time progresses

    Thanks so much


    Posted 43 days ago
  • Progress update 8-24
    25 Aug 2024

    As some of you know nearly 2 weeks ago I was out riding an mapping for the bike challenge an it had just rained the night before

    I hit a slick spot the bike slid an flipped upon getting up I realized 2 things the bike was severely damaged an that I too had been injured I tried to play it off for 24hrs but the pain insisted come to find out when the bike flipped the handle bar spun an went up under my ribs so with scans I found out I had severely bruised my ribs an my back

    Back to the bike when I got up off the ground the bike was folded in half the latch that locks the frame was swisted an open the front fender was swisted an the headlight had come unhooked an was now sideways

    I was no where near home an it was 330am so no one was awake

    I got myself up temporarily fixed the bike through the pain leaned on the bike an used twist throttle on the bike to get home

    Another thought that runs through my head just seconds earlier I had come down a hill doing nearly 18 mph had I not slowed down I honestly don't know what shape I'd be in or if I would even be here

    I'm still dealing with some residual pain in the ribs an back but just something that takes time to heal

    With 8 days left till the start of this year's bike challenge for kids cancer the parts are in the bike is rebuilt an custom designed by yours truly(me)

    I'm so excited to share it an how it turned out

    Wich will be later tommorow

    We still have an are sitting on about a hundred wristbands they are on sale for $1 each

    Please let me know of your interested thanks so much for your support


    Ps I almost forgot we've got 2 donation box locations

    1 at bennys tavern or sports bar in colonial heights(across from carrini's italian)

    The other coming soon

    At El caporal in colonial heights(Next to the wal mart)

    We also take cash donations In person!!!

    Posted 53 days ago
  • 8-18 update
    19 Aug 2024

    8-18 update

    Thank you everyone

    For all your continued support

    We have about 100 wristbands left if you would like some please reach out to me

    We also have donation boxes going out to a few businesses around colonial heights

    Those locations will be announced later this week or next week

    There will also be pictures in the next week or so as our bike parts did finally come in with bike rebuild scheduled for this upcoming weekend with a special design just for the children at children's cancer research

    Stay tuned thanks again


    Posted 59 days ago
  • Limited time only
    17 Aug 2024

    These bands are going quick

    Get yours today 140 left

    $1 each

    If you would like one please reach out to me or see me in person

    All proceeds go to children's cancer research



    Limited time only
    Posted 61 days ago
  • Limited time only
    16 Aug 2024

    These bands are going quick

    We are down to 185 left

    If you would like to help us an our cause

    Please message me or let me know in person.

    They are $1 a piece An all profits from sales goes directly to children's cancer research

    Thanks so much for looking An have a wonderful day


    Limited time only
    Posted 62 days ago
  • $1 per each arm band
    15 Aug 2024

    If you would like 1 of these arm bands or a few please let me know we are selling them for $1 a piece

    An all donations from them

    Will be going to children's cancer research Thanks so much for looking

    An for supporting


    $1 per each arm band
    Posted 63 days ago