Kick Cancer's Butt Day matched donation
sponsored Divya Shah
“Here's your matched donation from a group of wonderful Children's Cancer Research Fund supporters. THANK YOU so much for your awesome efforts to kick cancer's butt!”
Received this donation 65 days ago
“Thanks to all the Great supporters as because of their faith and motivation many people have come forth to give donation.”
“Jude and the Ystad family are glad to support you as you bike to raise money for kids cancer research!”
Received this donation 61 days ago
“A BIG THANKS to your full Family, your support and faith will help kids fight against cancer and see a kids cancer free and healthy country in future.”
“Thank you so much Chetana, together we can help kids kick cancer butt”
Kick Cancer's Butt Day matched donation
sponsored Mili Nayak
“Here's your matched donation from a group of wonderful Children's Cancer Research Fund supporters. THANK YOU so much for your awesome efforts to kick cancer's butt!”
“Join the Fight Against Kids' Cancer! 🌟
Every child deserves a chance at a healthy, happy life, but cancer is stealing that chance from too many kids. Together, we can change that. Your donation, no matter how big or small, will directly support life-saving research, treatment, and support for children battling cancer.
Let's stand together and make a difference. Donate today to help fight kids' cancer and give hope to children and their families. Every dollar brings us closer to a cure.
Donate now and be a hero in the fight against kids' cancer! 💪🎗️
Thanks to all my supporters for making a happy and healthy cancer free kids country.
“I'm proud to support you and be part of your mission to help find a cure. Keep pedaling strong—your efforts are making a big impact!
Wishing you all the best on your ride!
- Veera Karthik”
Received this donation 66 days ago
“Thank you so much for the donation and encouraging words, together we can help kids kick cancer butt.”
“Thank you so much Vandna
Your donation will support Children's Cancer Research Fund to continue their work to develop better, safer treatments and cures for childhood cancer.”